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Brand Wars – “An Attrition to be the Best”

30th September 2022

When you hear the term “war”, it actually sounds like some kind of a violent event, and nothing could be farther from the truth in my case. The Marketing Club of SIBM-H conducted “Brand Wars” for Academic Week ’22 and it was every bit of fun as it sounds. Divided into groups of three (where I luckily got teamed up with my friends, so the whole ice-breaking part got cut out!), we were asked to battle it out one on one against a competitor to the brand we were allotted, to see which brand comes out on top.

The process had us oil up our mental gears and put on our thinking caps to develop innovative taglines and ways to defeat our competitors. It was a glorious sight to be a part of and see other teams working in perfect sync, something which honestly looked straight out of a Facebook movie! Well, so as to prevent multiple cooks from ruining a dish, we decided to share out the work and volunteered for the departments we already had some experience, so that the end result would be undeniable.

Although we did run into some glitches during the brainstorming part, our teamwork eventually made the dream work and we had a presentation that left both the crowd and judging panel roaring with laughter and applause.

So, after two days of anticipation, post which results were to be announced during the felicitation ceremony, we were absolutely delighted to find out that we got second place. In fact, we did a little happy dance too! However, although the team enjoyed the entire event, we also needed to delve into the depths of the marketing and advertisement side of the brands that we know.

Ishita Mukherjee.

MBA Batch 2022-2024 

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