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Home » Pratibimb at SymbiTalks 7.0

Pratibimb at SymbiTalks 7.0

5th October 2022

“Clients love pictures where they’re laughing versus just smiling. That’s because there’s the emotion behind it. Because you’re capturing energy, not just a still image.”

Jen Rozenbaum

SymbiTalks, the signature event of SIBM-H conducted by the Corporate Interaction Cell, aims to strengthen corporate relations and gain perspectives and insights from seasoned professionals. The flagship event’s seventh iteration took place on the 9th and 10th of September 2022.

Before the event, Pratibimb – The Photography Club conducted a dry run to check the technical aspects required for photography, such as lighting and camera positioning. We collaborated with CIC and Mélange – The Organizing Committee. We divided eight people for the two-day event.

The energizing event got on a motivational start. We had to check the auditorium’s lighting by increasing or decreasing the ISO of the DSLR and adjusting the perfect lighting for the stage and the entire auditorium.

Our club was in charge of capturing all the precious moments, from the lighting of the lamp to the vote of thanks.

In the event, we all tried our best to capture all the perfect moments. The photos were clicked in continuation. It was a challenge to connect all the pictures taken by all photographers considering how quickly the event flowed. But soon, our senior team informed us about the shot selection and showed us different angles to click, which simplified our work.

Post the event is when the most challenging task begins, i.e., sorting all the photos and selecting the best ones, editing suiting to the best lighting, adding the logos, and finalizing all charges. The images go to all the committees of SIBM-H, the website, and the speakers too upload these pictures on their social media handles. Through collaboration, we always look forward to setting up enthralling activities and capturing the best moments to add value to SIBM-H. 

Aditya Kumar Singh
(MBA Batch 2022-2024)
Pratibimb – The Photography Club

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