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  • Impact Of AI On Financial Services

    Today, we are living in an era of “Digital Transformation” and “Digital Disruption”. Firms are adopting the latest technologies like IoT, AI and Cloud services to automate their business operations and remain competitive in the markets. True digital transformation, however, involves a customer centric, inside-out perspective to enable the design…

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  • Quick Takeaways!

    Do. Or Do not. There is no try. Be Patient. Patience is the key to everything, be it achieving your target or be it ensuring your team finishes the job assigned. Slow and steady wins the race? NO! Grab the opportunity as soon as you are aware of it. Remember…

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  • Why The World Needs More Men As Feminists

    The Google definition of Feminism is “The advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.” I have seen a notion among men that only a woman can be a feminist, well that’s just not right now, is it? The goal of a feminist project is to…

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