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  • The Beginning of “Devipaksha”

    25thSeptember 2022 The occasion of Mahalaya brings a spark of joy to Bengalis all over the nation. The day of Mahalaya marks the beginning of the most anticipated 10-day long Durga Puja festival, where the belief goes as Goddess Durga begins her descent to Earth after winning her fight against…

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  • SymbiTalks 7.0 – A Prism of Possibilities

    9th September 2022 ‘Failure is not the falling down, but the staying down’ – Mary Pickford. The students of SIBM, Hyderabad, understood the real meaning of this on the first day of SymbiTalks 7.0. Mr. Chaturvedi addressing the MBA students The invigorating event began on an inspirational note as our…

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  • SymbiTalks 7.0 – Behaviour Drives Performance

    “An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises.” – Mae West In order to thrive in the corporate world, it is crucial to improve performance and cultural behaviour constantly. Our esteemed speaker, Mr. Tarun Srivastava, Chief Manager at the Polycab Support Force, taking the stage of SymbiTalks 7.0 ,…

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