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Clueminati 2.0

10th July, 2022

Pitter patter- what’s the matter?

Can’t go out and play.

Pitter patter- getting madder?

Hate this rainy day.

It was a rainy day when a Treasure Hunt event, Clueminati 2.0, was organised by Mélange – The Organising Committee of SIBM, Hyderabad as an induction event for the MBA Batch of 2022-2024. The event, being the first of the new batch, was full of excitement, fun and high spirit. The event was for the ones who love solving riddles and also for those who get the feeling of high adrenaline rush in their body, after hearing the word “explore”.

It was conducted so that the new batch could explore the campus and interact with each other. 96 students participated in the event and were divided into teams of 6, each giving a unique name to the team, after registering through google forms. Each team was assigned a Point of Contact (POC) who stayed with their team throughout the event and was a member of Mélange, batch 2021-2023. The event started at the Amphitheatre where the rules of the game were explained to the participants and the first chit of the clue was given. Each of the teams were provided with chits of different colours and a total of 11 clues. The teams had to follow a path to get the clues and the team solving all the clues in the shortest time would win.

POCs were supposed to provide only one hint to their team. Team RDX was announced the winner followed by Team GRYFFINDORS as the runners-up. The fun-filled event ended with a Vote of Thanks by Nitesh Bharadwaj, Head of Mélange. Everyone enjoyed and were seen running around, exploring the campus with smiles on their face. At the end of the day, it’s more important to remember how much fun we had than how well one performed.

Aayushi Mattoo
Melange- The Organising Committee.

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