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Meetings and Notion Sessions

“You have a meeting to make a decision, not to decide on the question.”

-Bill Gates

Behind every successful event of SIBM-H, “Pratibimb – The Photography Club” makes it successful by capturing all the memories. But even before capturing those photos, we as a team work hard behind the pictures. It is essential to come together and have a meeting to make it possible.

We had our first meeting after getting selected for the club, which was an “Ice Breaking Session.” The agenda for this meeting was to make us more familiar with the senior members and our batchmates. We showed our different talents like dancing or singing. We got a task to tell something we know about one senior member and one for our batch. The session includes all the details about how Pratibimb works as a team for official and unofficial events. And how strict they are on attending the meeting.

The second meeting we had was for our very first event, which was “Academic Week 2022”. Some of us didn’t know how to use a DSLR, but on that day, we learned the basics. We discussed who would be the POC for which club on what day. Our senior shared the flow of the event with us. As it was our first event, We had to reach the venue as early as possible, and one senior was assigned to look over it, so if there was any mistake, we could take the help of the senior.

The third meeting was a massive deal for all of us as it included the discussion for the “SymbiTalks 7.0” corporate event. Pratibimb played a big part in the event and made it successful because, before that, we had a dry run and had discussions on who will capture from which area and who will take the part of uploading pictures or editing the photos.

All the events that happened till now need to be well prepared beforehand, and these meetings were crucial. All the ideas given are equally essential to move forward. Although sometimes, mistakes happen; for instance, when one of us came late for a meeting, we weren’t allowed to attend. Even if we didn’t work up to the mark on the event day, the session held after that is very important as we get to know from our seniors where we need to improve.

As it is said, “Teamwork makes the dream work.” It did help us to grow and understand how things function around the Pratibimb Club.

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