18th of June, 2018, Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Hyderabad got a new feather added to its wings portrayed as the new MBA Batch 2018-20. As a routine work of SIBM after having a glimse of early morning sunshine, the day witnessed a bunch of 120 fresh millennials adding pride to SIBM, as new management aspirants, charged up with bright hopes. As per the honest custom of SIBM, the fresh millennials were felicitated with a seven day induction program, which was a package of new experiences and exciting learnings.
The opening day of the induction programme spirited with a small offering to the almighty, got followed by an admirable address by the Director-Dr. Ravi Kumar Jain. Despite the fact that usually, the heads of the institution do a tall talk about the institute they represent, felicitating it to the maximum possible level, Dr. Ravi Kumar Jain talked predominantly about the purpose of the fresh 120 faces. No doubt all the millennials have come with their planned road maps, but the Director`s oration to the students was an inspirational spark for them.
His speech parked itself as a blocking stone, permanently into the already decided roadmaps of themillennials. The good thing is, this blocking stone is an illuminated one ,which has settled itself into the pathway of the students and would act as a path director ,guiding the aspiring batch 2018-20 of SIBM all the way in their journey of embarking their individual dreams. The said day also encountered the motivational voice of the guest of honour for the day ,Retired IAS ,Dr Kamal Taori , a simple attired person but a dynamic speaker who took away all the attention of each and every individual present in the convention hall of the college. His ideas and insight of seeing life in the best possible way rejuvenated the students with positive energy and a bright smile bringing in the confidence of facing the new aspect of life as MBA persuers. “Marketing the Unmarketed”,the phrase , annotated by Dr Kamal Taori, has become the prioritized marked up word into the tongues of the students. He talked about as how the managers should be at the grass root level to identify the complexities of the task and come up with a solution that would bring in a great change in the corporate world. There was still more to go with a tail of speakers for the day, the chief guest Mr.JayeshRajan(IAS),emphasized on the new culture of the present corporate world ,which was all about how entrepreneurship has become a new cup of tea for every individual. He boosted up the students to have a sip of this new and most prospective trends of the present corporate scenario. He seconded his thoughts by depicting the support of government towards entrepreneurship. Mr.kazaSudhakar ,an experienced banker, a man of high honour, interacted with the students more on financial terms, as in, synonymical to his profession,and the learnings related to it, which helped the students in acquiring the practicality of the outside business world. The session ended up with the address of the Deputy Director, Dr K P Venugopala Rao who congratulated the students for taking up the new journey of MBA with a polite vote of thanks to the eminent speakers of the day.
The day was loosened up with a very interesting event termed in its colloquial terms as “ice –breaking session”, which helped the students in knowing their peers in a more comfortable way.
The dawn of the second day of the induction programme was taken care of by the Deputy Director ,Dr.K P Venugopala Rao, whose address was an insight into the functional structure of the college. He briefed the students about the faculties belonging to the different departments and also bringing into picture , their responsibilities associated with SIBM. The students got to encounter the different faculty members such as Dr.Satya Prasad V.K. ,Academic Incharge, Dr.Rajkumar Pillai, In-charge- Research And Publications, Dr. B Sunil, Incharge-Learning Resource Center , Dr. Ramakrishna Dikkatwar, Incharge- SCEI, Dr.Ridhi Rani, Incharge – Women`s Development Cell, Mr. Nicholas Ross, Head- Career Assistance team, Mr.Raghavendra BT, Incharge of student activities and Student Council President and Lt. Col. B R G Patil, Campus Administrator. Later at the end of the day the students were let to rejoice by taking part in a friendly football match with the senior batch of MBA.
The first light of the third day was welcomed with the essence of Yoga activity conducted by Mr. Ashok Vankineni. The first host for the day was Prof. Sunil B, again a lively speaker by tongue and a dynamic personality by looks. We were talked about how the learning could be made easy by using one of the optimal method of “Audio Visual Pedagogy”. He was followed by the interaction of a student,from the senior batch, called by Ajaya Hassan, the then batch topper,who spoke about how the pressure of MBA study gets insignificant by involving ourselves into various on campus activities happening throughout the year. The next address was a bit more exciting, by a person named by Mr.KiranBilligiri,ManagingDricetor ,Utsav Group Of hotels, who despite of his numerous hardships, has done a lot away as per his capabilities. His talk basically focussed on following one`s passion rather than sticking to the conventional meal of education. The next speaker of the day was a personnel from Dr. Reddy`s Laboratories, Mr.V.VParsuram, who discussed about the thriving role of medical industry in the corporate world. He was followed by Mr.VickasDwarknath and Mr.Narsimha Rao, Human Resource professionals from Nephro Pluswho talked about the work pressure and how to minimize the same. The session ended up with the final address ofMr.Nihit Kumar from Verity Knowledge Solutionswho brought into picture, the different work profiles which could be opted by the students in Financial sector.
As the day passed, the induction process kept on becoming more and more interesting.The students were also introduced to Mr. Shanti Kumar and Mr. Emmanuel Gosula from EPAM who addressed the audience in a pretty different way making the session more interactive. His topic of discussion was about the attributes possessed by the HR professionals.
The batch 2018-20 had already got habituated to the practice of rejuvenating Yoga and with the welcome of such a noble habit the day started with the address of an eminent personality , named by Prof. M Rammohan Rao, Dean Emeritus, ISB. He threw light upon the type of life a student encounters with,in a B school. Then after the next speaker , Prof.Umeshwar Pandey, Director, Center For Oraganizational Development, narrated the importance of being an out of box thinker to outsmart the competitive world. The day also witnessed some industry experts like Mr.VidhyaSagarform CARE Ratings, who delivered a talk about how companies get a rating according to their services rendered. The concluding part of the session was taken on Real Estate Consulting in India and its prospects by Mr.Peter Samuel from Berkadia followed by Mr.ManishJhabelonging to Shriram Life Insurance who attempted to delete the notion in the minds of the people about the unavailability of jobs. He suggested about the employability skills, which needs to be enhanced to get the right job.
Though the journey of induction programme started with an exciting spark, embarking the unending hopes into the minds of the students, it had to end up to kick start the actual journey of MBA study. The last phase of Induction was embraced with three inspiring speakers,Mr. Deepak Gupta from Karvy ,an equal opportunity employer, who talked about how financial stability is essential for the businesses to run smoothly, Mr. Vijay Kumar Kamma, a representative of Mahindra Finance, who majorily depicted about the work done by his organization for the upliftment of the people in rural areas.
The induction was finally parked with an outbound activity conducted for the fresh millenials, to smell the new breath of their career .
“All`s well that ends well”,but it was actually not an end. It was just a warm welcome for the new breed of SIBM–MBA students, Hyderabad Chapter .