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Yoga – “The Journey of The Self”

3rd October 2022

 I took my first yoga class one year ago, which motivated me to maintain a balance in my life physically and mentally. The thought of a healthy lifestyle made me practice yoga regularly, and today the feeling of representing our institute in an Inter college competition turned out to be exciting but intriguing at the same time. The journey from SIBM, Hyderabad to SIHS Pune was truly adventurous. On September 8th, the SIHS Pune campus stated the event with the spirit of Yoga and Wellness, as students prepared for their much-anticipated Inter-Institute Yoga competition.

The competition was intended to judge the participants on how well they performed the different Yoga Asanas. The registration process was smooth and it was a pleasant experience to meet the peer competitors from different Symbiosis campuses.

On the first day, the competition was organized only for boys where, Anand Rana from our College participated and stood up to our expectations securing 6th position. We girls on the other hand, explored the lush green Lavale campus. Our first day concluded with celebrating Anand’s victory. The second day started with us waking up at 7 am, where me and Kanika Sharma were all set for the all-girls competition. As the tournament came to an end with all of us putting in our best efforts, we were all eagerly awaiting the results, and soon were informed that Kanika Sharma had secured fifth place. Later in the evening, Anand and Kanika were awarded the certificates and medals for their respective positions.
This is what contests are all about i.e., having fun, making connections, and, most importantly, learning.

We all went there and did what we were meant to do, and in the end, it all comes down to what we learnt while enjoying the best time of our lives, doing what was most important to us.

Shubhangi Singh
Dauntless – The Sports and Wellness Committee
(MBA Batch 2022-24)

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