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  • Such is the power of her.

      Crackling mind, nervous heart, Being the leader, she drips confidence, Internal shivers, externally bold like a horse, She paces forward without looking back! She is at the zenith of wisdom, Without a glimpse of pride.   Biting nails, sitting on the edge of her bench, Sweaty palms and fidgeting…

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    Remember there was this point back then when you were a child who led a life free from varied thoughts, unlike the ones that we have today.   We always had a specific routine that we had to get done every day like school, engaging in sports, music, and LIFE has been…

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    So there’s a song that goes, ‘I refuse to look back thinking days were better just because they’re younger days ‘. Now how many of us can actually say this and mean it? Eventually we all give in. All it takes is a boring class, bad food, a fight, too…

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