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  • One Must-Have Skill for Today’s Leaders

    “Leadership is the art of accomplishing goals through other people”  -Anonymous Introduction By leadership we refer to the activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do this. Leadership involves establishing a clear vision; sharing that vision with others so that they will follow willingly;…

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  • Mutual Funds Sahi Hai (Mutual Fund is Right)

      Have you ever remembered a successful communication campaign where entire industry come together to promote the industry? …… One has to stretch our brains to find out answer. Few people may recall NECC campaign (Sunday ho ya Monday roz khao ande). If you are IPL cricket buff, then you…

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  • Automation: A Boon or Bane?

      “Apart from technological aspects businesses should always have the human value.” During the initial days of industrial revolution, people were worried that they would get replaced by machines. Similarly, there’s a ongoing debate now that new technology might take away jobs and lead to a greater income inequality. But…

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