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  • Good Managers are the Need of the Hour

    “It is very important to be humble but to maintain the conviction that we can do something  good. “   – Claudio Ranieri”   Introduction: Manager is a job title that is used in organizations to denote an employee who has certain duties and responsibilities to lead functions or departments and/or employees.…

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  • Be A Magnetic Manager

    “A manager is not a person who can do the work better than his men; he is a person who can get his men to do the work better than he can”   -Frederick W. Smith   Introduction Gallup poll established, beyond doubt, that good people leave their companies because they…

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  • Misselling in Financial Services – Who Will Raise Flag?

    In the last week, I got an invite in the afternoon by an office colleague for attending a presentation by a financial intermediary. Being an avid researcher I thought let us attend the same. I found that a person from a reputed financial institution was explaining past returns on various…

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