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  • The Caux Round Table for Moral Capitalism: Review and Role since 2008 Economic Crisis (Great Recession)

    “What is the responsibility of people with wealth? With wealth….Does some kind of responsibility to a common good come out on top over self- interest?”quoted byStephen B Young (author of ‘Moral Capitalism’ and Global Executive Director of Caux Round Table). The above mentioned quote directs us to take into account…

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    18th of June, 2018, Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Hyderabad got a new feather added to its wings portrayed as the new MBA Batch 2018-20. As a routine work of SIBM after having a glimse of early morning sunshine, the day witnessed a bunch of 120 fresh millennials adding pride…

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  • Life in College: Expectation Vs Reality

    Introduction While college life does appear to be a bed of roses from a safe distance, reality can be entirely different, as most students discover after setting their foot on-campus. Here’s how you can navigate this unfamiliar territory with purpose and panache. There’s nothing wrong with carrying lofty expectations while…

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