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PR and Ethical Considerations

Public relations are integral to an SIBM organization’s reputation which has the power to influence public perception via strategic communications. Maintaining a positive image and ethical integrity are crucial. PR professionals need to find a balance between spreading the good word about the University or Organization and giving the right facts.

Transparency and honesty are very important in terms of maintaining an ethical public image. PR professionals face a variety of ethical dilemmas. Just think of the challenge of communicating a company’s successes without exaggerating the results, or the delicate balance between protecting confidential information and meeting disclosure obligations.

Social media has increased the ethical challenges multi-fold as misinformation spreads which can hamper the overall public image. PR professionals must adhere to strict ethical guidelines in this digital age to ensure there is authenticity and honesty in the content put on various platforms. Ethics is the lifeboat of the Public Relations. Ethics can survive without Public Relations but Public Relations cannot survive without ethics. Be truthful, and humble, and find the right balance between what should be shown and what needs to be shown

Abhimanyu Babbar
MBA Student 2024-26

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