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The role of soft skills in MBA success: Beyond the academic role

This blog “The role of soft skills in MBA success: Beyond the academic role” was written by Devanshu, SIBM Hyderabad

It seems that a good education alone won’t do in today’s competitive business environment any more. As a result, employers nowadays prefer employees who have good soft skills like communicate effectively, work in teams, solve problems and lead others. Soft skills refer to the personal qualities that facilitate smooth interactions among others and oneself at the workplace. These include helping establish effective relationships, managing conflicts as well as teamwork aimed at achieving common objectives.

For example, MBA students are in a need of developing good soft skills in order to make it their career. In fact, leaders in business need to be able to talk to several key entities like customers, workers and shareholders among others. In addition, they should be capable of developing and managing teams, coming up with innovative solutions for emerging challenges, and taking appropriate decision under pressure.

Communication: MBA students must possess good communication skills- both written, spoken as well as nonverbal. They should communicate effectively, speak out their thoughts, actively listen to others and give and accept feedback.

Teamwork: Teamwork competence for MBA students. To do this they should work cooperatively with others towards shared aims, communicate ideas in an open way or settle disputes in amicable manner.

Problem-solving: Effective problem-solving skills are a must for MBA students. Critical thinking abilities, ability to process data and producing innovative ideas.

Leadership: An ability for MBA students leading others towards a cause. These leaders should establish specific targets, distribute duties well, and give feedbacks as well as backup to other team members. In order to be successful, MBA students ought to develop effective soft skills. Therefore, soft skills like relationship-building, team management, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities are critical.

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