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  • Alternative Investments

    10th October 2022 Today with the current fast-shifting market settings, it has become crucially necessary for investors to have a determined strategy for seizing chances to increase returns while simultaneously managing their portfolio volatility effectively. An increasingly popular strategy to lower portfolio volatility is to use alternative assets. Alternative investments are…

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  • Mélange – A Unique Experience

    19th October 2022 August 6th, 5:40 p.m. A mail notification popped up on my screen, which read, “Mélange – Selection Results,” and the rest is history. I am glad to be a member of Mélange – The Organizing Committee. It has been incredible two months, starting with the induction event…

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  • Alumnicon 2.0

    “Any institutions’ alumni are key to its growth” Alumnicon 2.0 the Flagship event of Alumni Coordination Team, which was started in the year 2022, is back again with its 2nd version where it will open the gates for the Alumni to come and experience the campus life once again where they…

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