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  • Be A Magnetic Manager

    “A manager is not a person who can do the work better than his men; he is a person who can get his men to do the work better than he can”   -Frederick W. Smith   Introduction Gallup poll established, beyond doubt, that good people leave their companies because they…

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  • Misselling in Financial Services – Who Will Raise Flag?

    In the last week, I got an invite in the afternoon by an office colleague for attending a presentation by a financial intermediary. Being an avid researcher I thought let us attend the same. I found that a person from a reputed financial institution was explaining past returns on various…

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  • Growing Concern of Entrepreneurship

    The fruit of freedom we enjoy from the tree called India has its roots in its struggle for independence. The freedom to speak, the freedom to practice any art, the freedom to be ourselves is the crux of independence.  Likewise, the freedom to start our own industry, the freedom to…

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