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  • SIBM-H an Experience

    Oh Man! Wow, it was a crazy. If you think that I am going to narrate my experience after a roller-coaster ride then I would say you are correct but not absolutely. Life at SIBM- H is nothing less. An insane fun-filled ride. It has sharp turns which will bring…

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  • Independence Day Celebration– August 15, 2015

    Flag Hoisting & National Anthem The Independence Day celebrations at Symbiosis International University – Hyderabad began with paying respects to the Father of our Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. The Directors of SIBM and SLS Hyderabad were joined by their faculty members in conducting a small Pooja in his honour. This was…

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    Symbiosis they say means being together for mutual benefits and so it was at our very firstice breaking session where seniors and juniors together with million smiles on their faces and enthusiastic hearts came together to interact and have fun. The evening started off with a brief address from Rohit…

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